Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Minutes of the meeting of the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors held on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 in the boardroom of the Comox Valley Regional District offices located at 550B Comox Road, Courtenay, BC commencing at 4:00 pm.
Chair:B. WellsCity of Courtenay
Vice-Chair:A. HamirLazo North (Area B)
Directors:D. ArbourBaynes Sound-Denman/Hornby Islands (Area A)
 E. GrievePuntledge/Black Creek (Area C)
 D. FrischCity of Courtenay
 J. KetlerVillage of Cumberland
 K. GrantTown of Comox
Alt. Directors:M. McCollumCity of Courtenay
 N. MinionsTown of Comox
Staff:R. DysonChief Administrative Officer
 S. SmithGeneral Manager of Planning and Development Services
 M. RuttenGeneral Manager of Engineering Services
 D. DeMarzoActing General Manager of Community Services
 J. MartensManager of Legislative Services
Directors:D. HillianCity of Courtenay
The Chair acknowledged that the meeting was being held on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the board adjourn to an in-camera session pursuant to the following sub-section(s) of section 90 of the Community Charter:

90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the board considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district;
90(1)(f) law enforcement, if the board considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; and,
90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a regional district service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the board, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district if they were held in public.

AND FINALLY THAT the in-camera portion convene immediately following the open portion of the meeting.
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District Board minutes dated April 30, 2019 be adopted. [Item
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Integrated Regional Transportation Select Committee minutes dated April 29, 2019 be received. [Item
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Committee of the Whole minutes dated May 7, 2019 be received. [Item
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the Electoral Areas Services Committee minutes dated May 13, 2019 be received. [Item
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the board approve Development Variance Permit DV 3B 19 (van Ierland) to vary the following Zoning Bylaw regulations:
1. To reduce the side yard setback of a proposed accessory building from 4.5 metres to 2.2 metres; and
2. To reduce the side yard setback of the eaves of the proposed accessory building from 2.5 metres to 1.5 metres on a property described as Lot 28, Block 29, Comox District, Plan 11986, PID 000-642-703 (5918 Aldergrove Drive);

AND THAT the Corporate Legislative Officer be authorized to execute the permit.
208 and 213Carried
R. Dyson, Chief Administrative Officer, recused himself from the meeting at 4:03 pm pm due to a potential perceived conflict of interest in relation to his spouse's position as chair of the Agricultural Land Commission.
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District forward to the Agricultural Land Commission the Agricultural Land Reserve non-farm use (placement of fill) application ALR 1A 19 (Pearson) concerning the use of imported fill for the purpose of raising a field located on the SW ¼ of Section 32, Township 11, Nelson District, Plan 551, PID 009-005-013 (3771 Minto Road);

AND THAT the Comox Valley Regional District recommend to the Agricultural Land Commission that any approval of Agricultural Land Reserve non-farm use (placement of fill) application ALR 1A 19 (Pearson) include a condition that a Stormwater Management Plan be prepared by a Qualified Professional and be implemented to ensure the natural hydrologic regime is maintained and agricultural best practices are followed;

AND FINALLY THAT the Comox Valley Regional District recommend to the Agricultural Land Commission that an agrologist report be required prior to an approval for any further fill than what was already present at the time of the Agricultural Land Commission Stop Work Order that led to the Agricultural Land Reserve non-farm use (placement of fill) application ALR 1A 19 (Pearson).
208 and 213Carried
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Agricultural Land Commission be advised that the Comox Valley Regional District supports Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use application ALR 1C 19 (Zimmerman) concerning the temporary occupancy of an additional dwelling located on Lot B, Block 29, Comox District, Plan VIP25801, PID 002-682-222 (7884 Sturgess Road), with the condition that the manufactured home be demolished or decommissioned forthwith upon the approved occupancy of the new dwelling or no more than two years after the issuance of the building permit for the new house;

AND FINALLY THAT the application ALR 1C 19 (Zimmerman) for the non-farm use of property within the Agricultural Land Reserve be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for final consideration.
208 and 213Carried
R. Dyson, Chief Administrative Officer, returned to the meeting at 4:04 pm.
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District Board direct staff to report back to the board with a recommended bylaw update and communication plan for updating Bylaw No. 337 being the “Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 337, 2014”, Bylaw No. 328 being the “Comox Valley Regional District Planning Procedures and Fees Bylaw No. 328, 2014” and Bylaw No. 142 being the “Comox Valley Regional District Building Bylaw No. 142, 2011”, as the bylaws relate to cannabis (CP 1CV 19).
208 and 213Carried
E. Grieve/D. Frisch: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District not proceed with further study work to investigate options for the creation of a local service area to upgrade and maintain the Queen’s Ditch drainage system;

AND FURTHER THAT correspondence be sent to the Department of National Defence indicating that the Comox Valley Regional District is no longer interested in pursuing federal Vote 10 funding to assume responsibility for the Queen’s Ditch.
K. Grant/D. Frisch: THAT correspondence be sent to current Lazo Creek Watershed Public Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee members seeking their continued participation in a Lazo Creek Watershed working group.
K. Grant/D. Frisch: THAT staff be directed to investigate alternatives for bulk water sale on Denman Island to inform a recommendation back to the Electoral Areas Services Committee.
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the Community Amenity Contribution policy attached to staff report dated May 6, 2019 be adopted by the board as a board policy and used to guide discussion and decision making regarding community amenity contributions.
208 and 213Carried
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the Sewage Commission minutes dated May 14, 2019 be received. [Item
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Hudson Sewer Trunk Connection Agreement, attached as Appendix A to the staff report dated April 25, 2019, be entered into with the Town of Comox;

AND FINALLY THAT the Chair and Corporate Legislative Officer be authorized to execute the agreement.
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the Comox Valley Water Committee minutes dated May 14, 2019 be received. [Item
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the Committee of the Whole minutes dated May 14, 2019 be received. [Item
K. Grant/J. Ketler: WHEREAS the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities has adopted a resolution requesting the provincial government to declare a province wide Climate Emergency in order to emphasize the critical imperative for immediate action and to assist with province-wide collaboration and coordination of resources that will support local governments and communities in their ability to adapt and manage ongoing change;

AND WHEREAS the impacts of climate change are significant and are being experienced locally as well as globally and require significant action to mitigate as well as adapt;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Comox Valley Regional District Board formally recognize the climate crisis;

AND FURTHER THAT the CVRD’s response to the climate crisis be considered as part of the upcoming board strategic planning session with discussion to include:
• an approach to monitor and report on the impacts of climate change as well as progress toward greenhouse gas reductions;
• the establishment of a regional climate action committee;
• methods of ensuring climate action is considered as part of CVRD programs and projects; and
• sufficient resources are available to implement climate action initiatives.
D. Arbour/K. Grant: THAT the board endorse preparation of a Regional Housing Needs Report, prepared by Comox Valley Regional District staff, in partnership with the member municipalities, in order to meet the provincial housing needs report requirements;

AND THAT staff be authorized to make an application to the Union of BC Municipalities’ Housing Report Grant Program for grant funding, with the Comox Valley Regional District serving as the primary applicant and grant manager, to collect data, undertake public consultation and prepare a regional housing needs report;

AND FURTHER THAT subject to the approval of the housing needs grant application, the 2019 – 2023 financial plan for the Regional Growth Strategy service, function 512, be amended to include other Professional Fees of $125,000 in 2019 to be funded by $125,000 in Provincial Conditional Grants;

AND FINALLY THAT staff work with our municipal partners to prepare a project scope of work and report back with a scope of work for a regional housing needs report for endorsement by the Board in fall 2019.
208 and 212Carried
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the additional $80,000 (for a total of $230,000) approved as the increased requisition within the Homelessness and Supports Service be allocated in 2019 as follows:
• Comox Valley Transition Society - $15,000 towards purchase of two rent-geared-to-income four-plexes;
• Dawn to Dawn Action on Homelessness Society - $90,000 towards the purchase of a rent-geared-to-income condo unit;
• Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North - $60,000 towards construction of two houses under Habitat’s affordable home ownership model;
• Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness with Comox Valley Transition Society as the fiscal host - $60,000 towards the renovation of a permanent “drop-in” centre;
• L’Arche Comox Valley - $5,000 towards pre-construction planning costs for a 12-18 unit rent-geared-to-income housing facility;

AND FINALLY THAT the updated Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness Five Year Action Plan to End Homelessness (2016-2021) be approved.
K. Grant/D. Frisch: THAT the 1,500 hour handyDART expansion which has been included in the current financial plan, at an estimated cost to Comox Valley Regional District of $37,288 annually, be used to introduce service on Saturday and Sundays starting September 2019, as a first step toward aligning the handyDART and conventional transit services.
D. Arbour/K. Grant: THAT a 2,000 hour conventional transit expansion be approved for implementation in September 2020 in order to improve the #1 Comox/Anfield, #3 Comox Local and West Courtenay routes, at an estimated cost to Comox Valley Regional District of $186,520 annually.
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT a 600 hour custom transit expansion be approved for implementation in April 2020 in order to expand peak handyDART service and allow for a redesign of the #21 Cape Lazo/Point Holmes and #22 Huband Road/Seal Bay community bus services as described in this staff report, at an estimated cost to Comox Valley Regional District of $22,747 annually.
K. Grant/M. McCollum: THAT the recommendations of the Dantec Associates transit service analysis as outlined in the May 6, 2019 staff report be received and recommendations endorsed as outlined.
K. Grant/D. Frisch: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District achieve carbon neutrality for 2018 with the purchase of 2,171 metric tonnes of verified carbon offsets from the Spartanburg County Landfill Gas Project, SC at a cost of $2.25 USD/MT, totalling approximately $6,600 CAD;

AND FURTHER THAT the remaining 2018 carbon offset funds (~$38,250) be allocated as follows:
• $6,000 for Cool It! Climate Leadership Training for eight workshops in School District 71 in 2020, delivered by British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association;
• $32,250 for a pilot project focussed on improving the energy efficiency in homes in the woodsmoke hotspot areas.
D. Arbour/D. Frisch: THAT, for the 2019 carbon neutral strategy, to be completed in 2020, staff be directed to again purchase inexpensive international verified carbon offsets and to develop a community granting program for the remainder of the carbon offset budgeted funds.
D. Arbour/K. Grant: THAT the board consider granting readings to Comox Valley Regional District Officer Bylaw, No. 21, 2008, Amendment No. 3 as outlined in the staff report dated May 8, 2019.
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the board consider granting readings to Comox Valley Regional District Bylaw Compliance Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 108, 2010, Amendment No. 2, as outlined in the staff report dated May 8, 2019.
D. Frisch/K. Grant: THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Woodsmoke Reduction Program as outlined in the “proposed” column of Table 1: Woodsmoke Reduction Program Updates Overview in the report dated May 9, 2019, excluding the subsidies for woodstoves and with the addition of increased incentives to assist low-income households, and that further updates to the Woodstove Exchange Program be deferred to the future Regional Airshed Advisory Group that is in development.
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors provide a letter of support for Director Edwin Grieve to stand for ‘Director at Large’ at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' 2019 Annual General Meeting in Quebec City;

AND FURTHER THAT the Comox Valley Regional District assume all costs associated with Director Grieve's attendance at FCM’s Board of Directors meetings to be funded by Electoral Area Administration.
D. Frisch/K. Grant: THAT the report dated May 9, 2019 from Director Arbour, Director Hamir and Director Grieve bringing forward the 2019 Grant-in-Aid (GIA) funding allocations, be received. [Item
E. Grieve/D. Frisch: THAT the 2019 Grants-in-Aid on Schedule A of the directors report dated May 9, 2019, payable from the respective area(s) indicated, be approved;

AND FURTHER THAT the 2019 Grants-in-Aid for the Comox Valley Multiplex Association and the Comox Valley Exhibition Association (Fall Fair) be paid as soon as possible.
D. Frisch/A. Hamir: THAT Bylaw No. 579 being “Royston Garbage Collection Service Establishment Bylaw No. 118, 2010, Amendment No. 4” be given first and second readings concurrently. [Item
K. Grant/D. Frisch: THAT Bylaw No. 579 being “Royston Garbage Collection Service Establishment Bylaw No. 118, 2010, Amendment No. 4” be read a third time.
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 580 being “Comox Valley Regional District Officer Bylaw No. 21, 2008, Amendment No. 3” be given first and second readings concurrently. [Item
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT Bylaw No. 580 being “Comox Valley Regional District Officer Bylaw No. 21, 2008, Amendment No. 3” be read a third time.
D. Frisch/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 581 being “Comox Valley Regional District Bylaw Compliance Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 108, 2010, Amendment No. 1” be given first and second readings concurrently. [Item
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 581 being “Comox Valley Regional District Bylaw Compliance Delegation of Authority Bylaw No. 108, 2010, Amendment No. 1” be read a third time.
K. Grant/D. Arbour: THAT Bylaw No. 570 being “Denman Island Water Local Service Area Conversion and Establishment Bylaw, 1993, Amendment No. 4” be finally adopted. [Item
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT Bylaw No. 578 being “Comox Valley Regional District Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw No. 104, 2010, Amendment No. 15” be finally adopted. [Item
Note: the above resolution received at least 2/3 of the votes cast.
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the correspondence dated May 23, 2019 from Director Arbour regarding the appointment of a CVRD representative to the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities' Climate Change Working Group, be received. [Item
D. Frisch/K. Grant: THAT Jesse Ketler be appointed to the City of Victoria led Climate Change Working Group to represent the Comox Valley Regional District for the term of May 2019 until May 2020, with Will Cole-Hamilton acting as alternate;

AND FURTHER THAT remuneration and expenses be paid for this appointment in accordance with CVRD Bylaw No. 236 being “Comox Valley Regional District Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw 2012.”

K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the board adjourn to its in-camera session.
Time: 4:39 pm
The board rose from its in-camera session at 6:06 pm and reported the following resolution:
"THAT the board grant a leave of absence to Electoral Area B Advisory Planning Commission member, Cari McIntyre, for the duration of 2019;

AND FURTHER THAT the board rise and report on this resolution"
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT the meeting terminate.
Time: 6:06 pm
 Confirmed this 25th day of June, 2019 :

Bob Wells
Certified Correct and Recorded By:

Jake Martens
Manager of Legislative Services
Meeting Web Page